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The Ad Tech Industry Needs to Tell a Better Story


As an outsider reporting on the advertising side of streaming, I’ve tried to get experts to explain—in plain English—what is going on, 哪些趋势是重要的, 什么是技术?, 以及我们为什么要关心. Several years in, I’m still almost at a loss for words.


According to CTV company Innovid, based on data from Dentsu and eMarketer, of the $200 billion global TV ad spend, $15–$20 billion goes toward CTV. So what will it take to funnel more money to CTV? Transparency, says Inno­vid CTO Tal Chalozin.

但是,保持信息透明似乎并不符合很多公司的利益. Should they be transparent on pricing? 测量?
频率限制? There are just too many competing interests, 而且没有足够的动机让每个人都友好相处.

Innovid has a valuable niche and is thriv­ing, regardless of the complications in technology, 测量, 欺诈, 或者频率封顶. 该公司, which went public as CTV on the New York Stock Exchange in December 2021, does several things: It has an ad server,
an interactivity product, and 测量 capabilities. “我们提供一个连接的电视媒体编排系统,”查洛津说. “It’s actually an ad-serving technology for the buy side.”

Or, in other words, Innovid is working with brands that place advertisement. “[In 2021,我们同比增长了30%, and 45% of our total revenue is coming from connected television,查洛津说. 除了, Innovid于2022年3月收购了TV - squared,以在欧洲市场获得更大的立足点,并帮助该公司提高其在电视测量方面的专业知识, 这是一个备受追捧的天堂,它将提供最终的观看指标:将线性电视与CTV融合在一起的多平台数据.


Running ads on the product formerly known as TV was easy. 只有一种广告形式. There was a consistent ad-tech platform. Nielsen gave a rough estimation based on extrapolating
Signals went out, ads were included, and you got an idea about your reach. 作为一个局外人, I’d say this doesn’t sound too precise, but it was the accepted 测量 on which to transact.

多年来一直有人抱怨,流媒体的广告报道应该更像电视的广告报道, 但我不太确定电视广告是大家认为的黄金孩子. We just have different problems today, brought about by innovations in technology, 与许多, many more endpoints in the equation. 现在的问题是如何在多平台环境中获得持续的购买, in which each environment is slightly different from the next, requires different technical approaches, and supplies different reporting data.

广告口碑不佳的原因之一是同一广告的可怕倍数. “A family can watch Hulu on a Roku device and watch NBC content, 然后你会看到几乎是一个接一个的广告,一个是Roku卖的,一个是Hulu卖的,一个是NBC卖的,查洛津说. “So you bought media through the three largest suppliers, 但不清楚(作为一个品牌运行你的广告),你会得到三个不同的流实例, let alone three different families.”

这是一个有效的观点, 但一个著名品牌的广告出现三次的问题在于有多少个交付点, how advertising is bought and sold, 事实上,现在还没有办法真正追踪所显示的内容. 这种情况不会改变,除非所有人都能使用通用广告跟踪,或者购买库存的方法发生改变.


“客户想知道, if] I’m spending money in multiple places, what is the unique contribution of each and every media entity,查洛津说. “许多营销人员表示,很难理解所有不同系统之间的重叠.”

本质上, 每个品牌面临的问题是如何处理他们从多平台活动中获得的数据——不同风格的CTV, 移动, 桌面, 和广播. Innovid提供自我
serve 分析 and custom consulting. “We definitely give customers a dashboard. 我们做报告. 我们还有, 对于大客户来说, a team that helps them decipher and get insights out of the data,查洛津说. Innovid还与第三方供应商合作提供身份管理等服务, 审计, 欺诈检测, and others we haven’t even touched on.


我很难理解这个行业中真实问题和想象问题的区别. 过了一会儿, 我只是心不在焉, because we’ve crossed over from a specific, fixable problem to just the way things work.

我的要求是讨论解决方案,并以每个人都能理解的实际方式谈论它们. Out of all of the technology products I write about, ad tech is one of the most important because it drives revenue, but it also seems to generate more whining than any other area. 如果你不能以具体的、有证据的方式谈论问题,我也帮不了你.

I’m not sure advertising will ever be more transparent. It’s like playing poker with your cards on the table. 然而,广告技术行业所能做的最好的事情就是讲述一个更好的故事. 你可以把它看作是为我们的读者需要知道你在做什么以及为什么需要知道你在做什么而制作广告. That would go a long way to improving cover­age in this area. 有很多技术,然后有一个更大的广告作为一个整体的讨论. First, try getting the technology story down. Then we can work on the nature of advertising itself.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


广告购买正在改变. 例如, 现在,你可以从一家对当地观看数据有深入了解的机构那里购买, 或者你可以去找电视制造商,他们对其硬件上的所有观看情况都有深入的了解.

The Argument for Addressable Advertising

对于本专栏, 我和拉里·艾伦谈过, 康卡斯特广告公司副总裁兼数据和可寻址实现总经理, 关于一个决定性的问题:“什么是可寻址广告?“可寻址”一词指的是针对数字和广播库存,并能够在家庭层面上购买受众群体.

Measuring What’s Possible—Is This a Real Problem?

Now that ad dollars are moving from broadcast to digital via CTV buys, 也许我们需要接受数字和广播的测量标准总是不同的这一事实.

Why the Upfronts Are So Yesterday

The internet fostered the ability to make changes on a continual basis, 那么,为什么全国广播广告仍然是预先交易的(与1962年开始的形式相同)?, 这需要每年的金钱和受众覆盖的承诺,提前购买和销售广告?

The Top 5 Problems with Streaming Advertising

At 流媒体 West last November, I moderated a panel on how to keep advertising workflow flowing. 讨论产生了许多关于流媒体广告现状的有价值的见解, 其中包括我们今天在OTT领域面临的最大挑战的5个关键要点.



How Legacy Publishers Should Harness the Power of CTV in 2022

在一天结束的时候, 让出版商将他们的内容扩展到CTV媒体的目标是为自己的未来做好准备——继续增加他们的受众,并以一种有影响力的方式使他们的内容多样化, 和共鸣. The time to take the leap is now.


Advertising technology is scary. Here are a few solutions—for ad fill, 多播分布, 监控, 上下文广告插入, 分析, 需求, and supply side—to help you make it out alive

CTV Growth Puts Pressure on Converged TV Adoption

CTV正在塑造电视的转型,并在融合电视时代对测量创新的需求施加压力. 测量 innovation must sit at the center of this transformation, and take on the role of redefining how we evaluate TV altogether, from the common metrics used across both linear and streaming, 我们如何创造一个更具互操作性的生态系统,为我们所有人带来价值, from viewers to advertisers and publishers.          

OTT Ad Tech's Biggest Challenges (and a Few Solutions)

OTT advertising technology is at a crossroads, 随着品牌努力与消费者建立关系而不疏远他们. Here's a look at some of biggest questions facing the ad tech industry, along with some possible answers.

The State of Video Ad Tech 2021

随着广告支持的观看量的增长, the industry grapples with three key challenges: privacy, 工作流碎片, 和规模