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One of the most-used phrases of 2020 went along the lines of, "COVID-19 accelerated remote/streaming/cloud trends already in play.“毫无疑问,对媒体和娱乐的最大影响是大流行给流媒体视频带来的火箭,以及媒体机构为跟上节奏而做出的几乎一夜之间的转变.

With nowhere to go but home for large parts of the population for most of the year, 加上相关的现场活动停止, 观众导向型电视节目, 以及几乎所有的影院发行, 我们逃到视频点播(VOD). 有线电视的收视率也有所上升, 这是真的, but the existing fault lines between pay TV/broadcast 和 streaming services became chasms.

A November 2020 survey by TransUnion found that 71% of U.S. consumers increased their use of paid streaming services since the p和emic began in March. 消费者平均花费3-4美元 每天看几个小时的流媒体, with 55% choosing this type of entertainment instead of opting for a cable-TV subscription. 

“让屏幕时间成为家庭时间,该报告于2020年12月发布,由广告支持的视频点播(AVOD)网络WildBrain Spark和分析公司nScreenMedia撰写, 透露了家庭共同观看将会继续下去. 在3000个美国人中.S. 接受调查的家长中,75%的人表示他们每周和孩子一起看几次或更多的视频内容. 这一结果跨越了性别、儿童年龄、家庭收入水平和婚姻状况.


现在,18至24岁的美国人平均每天花费超过1小时40分钟观看订阅视频点播(SVOD)服务, 根据安培. 25岁至34岁的人群表现出类似的行为. It is well-understood that younger consumers watch more SVOD content, 但安培的数据显示,从2019年第三季度到2020年第三季度,典型的55至64岁人群的OTT观看量增长了50%以上. 从表面上看, 这一趋势意味着,到2025年, 55- to 64-year-olds will be watching as much SVOD as 18- to 24-year-olds do now,理查德·布劳顿说, 安培的研究主管. 

来自Futuresource Consulting的相关数据表明, 在全球范围内, the oldest demographics spend the majority of their time watching linear TV, while SVOD 和 AVOD services absorb the majority of viewing time of the youngest. “亟待解决的问题是,随着年龄的增长,这些年轻群体是否会接受他们父母和祖父母的习惯, or will their current video behaviors remain with them as they age?未来百家乐软件咨询公司的分析师特里斯坦·维尔问道.

尽管主播之间的竞争越来越激烈, the number of platforms for which consumers have subscriptions may have hit a plateau. 环联发现,44%的美国人在网上购物.S. consumers currently subscribe to an average of three to five SVODs, 而只有7%的人订阅多达7到10份. And 67% said they don't plan to cancel any of their existing subscriptions.


The direct-to-consumer (DTC) explosion that began in 2019 continued apace in 2020, 流媒体消费得益于居家订单. 华特迪士尼公司.在美国,疫情是一把双刃剑. 其主题公园的关闭导致2020年第三季度收入减少近50亿美元. However, the company's "real bright spot," as identified by CEO Bob Chapek, was Disney+, which exceeded even the most ambitious of targets by amassing 86.到2020年底,付费订阅人数将达到800万.

截至12月. 2, 2020, Disney's entire portfolio of DTC services topped 137 million global paid subscriptions, 包括11名.500万ESPN+用户和38万.除了迪士尼+,Hulu还有800万用户. Disney bosses expects Disney+ to reach 230–260 million subscribers by 2024, with its total streaming portfolio hitting 300–350 million in the same period.


DTC业务是公司未来发展的关键, said Chapek in a statement outlining Disney's corporate reorganization around DTC. 在新的结构下, 迪士尼将专注于为公司的流媒体服务开发和制作原创内容, 以及遗留平台. 除了, 迪士尼新的国际流媒体, 明星, 计划于2021年2月在欧洲推出, 加拿大, 澳大利亚, 和 New Zeal和 和 will launch as 明星+ in Latin America in June. 明星将包含迪士尼旗下品牌的内容, 包括迪士尼电视工作室, FX, 和20世纪工作室, 在第一年末,它将推出原创剧集和超过35部第一季剧集. 更重要的是, content will be originated independent of the end distribution platform, 这为原本只能在影院上映的剧情片在网上额外或单独上映扫清了道路.

Market leader Netflix had a stellar Q1 2020, piling on 15.800万订户. It was forecast to hit 34 million paid net adds for 2020, 超过了之前的年度最高纪录28.2018年600万. Netflix's latest figures, from September 2020, report 195.全球付费用户1500万,增长23%.同比增长3%,其中73%来自美国.S. 和加拿大.

Netflix告诉股东,预计用户增长将在2021年恢复到新冠肺炎前的水平. 除了, 它说, “我们仍然认为,在长期采用互联网娱乐的背景下,付费网络增加值的季度间波动并不那么有意义, 我们相信,这仍处于早期阶段,在我们继续改善服务的过程中,应该会为我们提供多年的强劲未来增长."

有分析师担心,长时间的停产将对Netflix产生负面影响. 然而,Netflix表示,它仍预计2021年发布的原创剧集数量将超过2020年. 

华纳传媒于2020年5月推出了HBO马克斯,以巩固HBO NOW和HBO GO现有的市场份额. 14美元.99 per month fee, HBO马克斯 is one of the most expensive SVOD offerings. 到2020年底,它已经吸引了超过12个.显然,到2025年,全球用户数量仍将达到7500万至9000万. HBO马克斯还没有向国际市场扩张, but is scheduled for a European debut in the second half of 2021.


虽然它是市场上最昂贵的SVOD服务之一,但HBO马克斯吸引了超过12个用户.6 million subscribers in less than a year after its launch.

华纳兄弟的决定.2021年的全部电影名单,包括 黑客帝国4  沙丘该剧将在HBO马克斯上播出,同时在影院上映,似乎是为了在该计划下点燃一枚火箭. AT&T首席执行官John Stankey认为,电影发行的未来已经发生了根本性的变化,最终的窗口是DTC. (AT&T拥有华纳兄弟.) "It's really important that we have a direct relationship with consumers," he says. With the p和emic closing theaters 和 interrupting the production of TV shows, “重要的是,这些新的分销平台必须更快地扩大规模,以免落后." 

苹果尚未公布2020年Apple TV+的销售数据, 但根据安培的说法, it could have had around 40 million subscribers as of December 2020, based on estimates that it had 34 million subscribers as of January 2020. Some believe it is on track to hit 100 million subscriptions by 2025. “由于大多数Apple TV+用户都是非付费用户,而且该服务的目录仍然相对有限, 留住客户将是一个挑战,Fateha Begum说, 他是Omdia的首席分析师.

Apple TV+ has struggled, even with surprise hits like Ted Lasso.

2020年10月, Apple announced the extension of its 1-year free trial to February 2021, 以及Apple One的发布, 它捆绑了许多苹果的服务, 包括Apple TV+, 以折扣价出售.


The out 和 out fail of 2020 had the most unique business model. Quibi lasted just 6 months 和 attracted a fraction of its 7.4 million target subscriptions before founder Jeffrey Katzenberg pulled the plug. 可以说, 保险费, 短小精悍的, 仅限手机的流媒体服务从未有过机会, as so many members of the young working population it targeted were stuck at home on Zoom. 但批评人士指出了该片失败的其他原因. Its $1 billion of funding failed to buy any radical watercooler content, 用户只能在手机上观看,也无法在社交媒体上分享视频片段, which is a disaster for trying to score a youth audience. 卡曾伯格和首席执行官梅格•惠特曼将其归咎于“变化的行业格局和持续的挑战”,并承认“这个想法本身并不足以证明一个独立的流媒体服务是合理的。. …"   

在技术方面, Quibi的Turnstyle屏幕功能, which allows viewers to switch between l和scape 和 portrait viewing on mobile, is the subject of a patent infringement claim by interactive-video company Eko. Although Quibi is in the process of shutting down its business, the suit is ongoing.


nbc环球正寄希望于此 因为皮科克的商业模式在市场上的吸引力,使其有别于其他由工作室支持的视频点播竞争对手. 它提供广告支持 免费套餐和付费广告支持套餐(4美元).99美元/月)和无广告(9美元/月).99美元/月). 

In December 2020, 6 months after its launch, 孔雀 notched 26 million subscribers. 人们普遍认为,这与AT不同&T还是迪士尼, nbc环球的所有者康卡斯特(Comcast)并不认为其流媒体服务的成功是一场零和游戏。.


nbc环球的孔雀, 哪款游戏同时提供广告支持和无广告两种模式, 前6个月就积累了2600万用户.

有趣的是, HBO马克斯计划今年推出一个广告支持的频道,以吸引那些已经厌倦订阅、手头拮据的消费者.

福克斯公司. (由默多克家族拥有,与21世纪福克斯公司分离)于2020年3月以4.4亿美元收购了AVOD服务公司Tubi,加入了这一行列. Tubi has one of the largest catalogs of film 和 TV shows around, 包括《百家乐软件》中的标题, 快速 和《百家乐软件》  星际之门 特许经营. 

“Tubi将立即扩大我们直接面向消费者的受众和能力,并将为我们的广告合作伙伴提供更多接触大规模受众的机会,拉克兰·默多克说, 福克斯的执行董事长兼首席执行官, 购买之后. “重要的是, coupled with the combined power of [Fox's] existing networks, Tubi提供了一个坚实的基础,我们将在此基础上推动直接面向消费者领域的长期增长."

根据安培的布劳顿, Tubi“为福克斯提供了一个新的机会,使其现在已经减少的内容分发组合多样化,并吸引一些可能从其广播频道失去的消费者." He adds, "Library size matters more for AVOD than for SVOD providers. …避免服务, 为了赚钱, require their users to view content 和 the accompanying commercials. 因此,Tubi庞大且类型多样的目录非常适合持续的用户盈利."

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


If the story of 2020 和 2021 was largely of p和emic-propelled streamer growth, 2022年及以后将成为油气行业必须适应更复杂生态系统的时期.



The Future of Video Viewing Calls for New Strategies 和 Tech

我们看的视频比以往任何时候都多, 我们的行业需要想出新的方法来减轻消费者不堪重负和疲劳的负担


The OTT video advertising world has reached a tipping point, as consumers turn to AVOD services 和 ad tech gets more sophisticated

媒体现状 & 娱乐流媒体2020

直播服务的竞争加剧, but there are warnings that consumers are nearing their limit. We look back on the last 12 months in our annual industry update.
