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Arguably, the two biggest challenges in the FAST ecosystem are managing the ad experience and delivering ROI for the brands that support the platform. 首席执行官埃文•夏皮罗 ESHAPPatrick Courtney,高级副总裁,流媒体主管 & 业务发展, Fuse MediaLaura Florence,全球FAST频道高级副总裁, Fremantle, agree that standardizing the data they collect and delivering on the promise of programmatic advertising is the key to making it all work. 但是这段剪辑来自 流媒体连接2024 这表明,说起来容易做起来难.

夏皮罗对考特尼说, “Whether it's the sellout rate or the over frequency or any of the other colliding elements of this, 答案将是数据, right? 我们越能深入挖掘数据,利用每个用户的匿名信息, 封闭式, unique identity, 这种环境对每个用户来说就越好. The question is, how do we pull everybody together to get the data that makes that necessary?”

Courtney notes that disparate data gathered across platforms is the essential problem. “我不知道你是怎么振作起来的,”他说. “There has to be some sort of forcing function, and maybe things like Walmart's acquisition of Vizio are part of that…[it creates] this need to standardize measurement across platforms.”

夏皮罗说:“在美国,我们有 Nielsen, which was a monopoly for many years, and then they fell out of favor. Now, we have a 联合工业委员会 (JIC) that allows for a multi-pronged currency and measurement ecosystem in the UK. All the stakeholders own the JIC, and there's basically one unit of measurement. 它比较了平台的所有侧面: Netflix广播,以及即将到来的 YouTube, I hope. We don't have anything close to that here, and we keep grappling with the conversation. 但是如何销售互操作性呢? You have TV, digital, 以及所有其他的平台, 而且我相信你在销售(所有人). 买家是这样买的吗?”

Courtney says, “There used to be a separation between digital media and TV. 现在他们只是视频投资团队, 他们在社交网站上购物, YouTube, connected TV, pay TV, 线性,但不是每个人都这么买. 所以这是一个艰难的挑战. 我并不羡慕我们的销售团队和整合营销团队. 我们如何把这个包裹带给广告商A、B、C和D? And I think that's something that is kind of just table stakes now, is to understand how you do that.”

He notes the unique strengths that Fuse has in dealing with these issues due to its multicultural and diverse audience. “我们在各个平台上都有一定的用户群, and we sell that contextually against premium long-form content for the most part,” he says. “这是一个非常强大的卖点, and that gives us the value proposition to our advertising partners to spend with us. The way that we can sell is different than the way Tubi might sell, or a Samsung TV Plus might sell. 我认为创造一个合作的生态系统, 其中所有数据都是共享的, 这实际上为每个人创造了一个更健康的广告生态系统.”

Shapiro says that it is helpful to think about the situation from the consumer's standpoint. Users lean on known brands because discoverability for new products is very difficult due to data fragmentation and a perception of an overwhelming amount of offerings (the “paradox of choice”). 跨平台数据更加统一, he says, user preferences could more easily be carried across different providers. Additionally, he notes that a lack of data standardization makes ad buying extremely difficult. Big tech “death stars” have vast advantages regarding cohesive user data, 小公司是不可能与之竞争的. 沃尔玛和Vizio是另一个重大权力转移的例子. “They're both huge retailers who are suddenly now television companies,” he says. “这就是我们现在生活的生态系统.他问弗洛伦斯对这种情况的看法.  

Florence says there is a desperate need for a benchmark that advertisers can agree on to ensure content is valued correctly. “I need that benchmark that advertisers can agree on because they're going to know that our IP is IP that is a lean-in active watch scenario,” she says. “这是家庭. These are the things that are going to help them discover that this is worth taking the effort on. I can only do that in pieces right now, and it's not being done at the value the content is worth. 我们需要这种规范化,因为我们不能使它成为内容, and we cannot keep it going if it's a fraction of the actual value that it is worth to an advertiser.”

See videos of the full program from Streaming Media Connect February 2024 here.

我们将于2024年5月20日至22日亲自回来参加纽约流媒体大会. 更多细节请点击这里.

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