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生成式人工智能是所有行业的游戏规则改变者, 和 how to leverage it is a key strategic 和 technical concern for a range of streaming organizations looking to monetize their content 和 operations. Nadine Krefetz,顾问, 现实的软件, 特约编辑,流媒体,探讨了生成式人工智能对C语言当前和即将产生的影响.J. Leonard, Principal Owner, MAD Leo Consulting, LLC, 和 Darcy Lorincz, Chief Technology Officer, 巴雷特-杰克逊拍卖公司,这段视频来自他们的小组 流媒体连接2023.

“Which area does GenAI have the most impact from the monetization perspective?克雷费兹问道. “Is it being able to create more versions of something that's important? 它能瞄准目标吗? What is the value that you're creating out of your gen AI experience?”

C.J. 伦纳德说, “我现在还没有一个明确的答案, 但我知道有了视频, 具体地说 达尔·E 2ChatGPT在美国,有付费版本. 你还可以通过扫描视频来做其他事情, [where] all this data that we don't even realize we have will come into light. 然后是公司……WPP 刚和。做了笔交易 英伟达 能够将GenAI只用于创意. But I think as they figure out how to take that 信息 about the creatives, 把它和它跑的地方配对, 用户是什么?, 问问GenAI引擎, 获得更好结果的最佳方式是什么?’,我认为这将在未来几年内实现.”

克雷费兹问洛林茨, “Do you want to chime in on whether you're seeing it from an efficiency or from a personalization point of view in terms of what is the biggest benefit for you?”

Lorincz focuses on product placement as one unique application of GenAI. 关于书面内容, he says that generative language models have already made it possible to incorporate br和s easily 和 quickly into copy with text replace prompts. 然而, 在视频和图像方面, he says the technology is not quite there yet for easily replicating 和 replacing images, 尽管它正在快速追赶. “上周, Midjourney just came out with the ability to replace parts of an image,” he says. “所以如果我想替换桌子上的东西, 这是一个可乐瓶, 现在我想要一个啤酒瓶之类的背景, 我可以用绳子套住它,然后告诉它怎么做, 和繁荣, 几秒钟就能换掉. 所以你真的看到了过去很多繁重的工作, even for some of these computer vision capabilities for product image replacements, 我只是做了个什么都没有的汉堡.”

Lorincz emphasizes that while using open-source imaging models can be workable, 现在的关键是训练你自己的生成模型. “When you train your own model,” he says, “then you're all in on only your stuff. 我只会用你的语气说话. 它只会显示你的图像. 这是下一步. 在最后 Ai4 我几周前参加了一个会议, all the companies there were [talking] about training your own language model.”

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

SMNYC 2024: Microsoft CTO Andy Beach Talks Gamified FAST 和 Leveraging AI to Make Old Content Feel New

流媒体's Tim Siglin interviews Microsoft CTO Andy Beach at 纽约流媒体 2024 about gamification ideas for FAST. Beach discusses the concepts of creating trivia 和 interactivity through a second-screen app that allows users to connect 和 compete with each other. He also talks about the technical challenges of bringing old content into 2024, 生成式人工智能的潜力, 将物理事件整合到游戏化过程中.


Much discussion of AI 和 streaming relates to streamlining 和 automating workflows, but how content companies can leverage it to personalize their content 和 target ads more efficiently, 其他盈利策略, 这个行业正在密切关注的另一个问题是什么. Chris Pfaff dives into this question with Vevo's Bethany Atchison, Warner Bros. 探索频道的丹·特罗塔报道, TVREV的艾伦·沃尔克报道, 和 Erickson Strategy's Paul Erickson in this clip from 流媒体连接2023.


Incorporating generative AI into our workflows has the potential to impact almost everything in media technologies, 我将在本文中研究几种可能性.


What are the significant upsides 和 downsides to the growth 和 adoption of ChatGPT 和 other AI applications for streaming professionals, 以及他们如何有效地利用其优势? 波士顿25新闻,本·拉特纳报道, LiveX的科里·本克, AugX Labs的Jeremy Boeman说道, Mobeon的Mark Alamares, 和 Intellivid 研究's Steve Vonder Haar discuss in this clip from 流媒体连接2023.


How can streaming pros deal with all of the copyright 和 fact-checking pitfalls of using AI systems trained with public datasets as error-ridden 和 inappropriately expropriated as the internet itself? 波士顿25新闻,本·拉特纳报道, IntelliVid 研究的Steve Vonder Haar说, AugXLabs的Jeremy Toeman说, 和 LiveX的科里·本克 discuss how to navigate this minefield in this clip from 流媒体连接2023.

The AI Ethical Imperative Exposed by Black Mirror’s "Joan is Awful"

莱昂黄, 体育高级总监, 媒体, 和SAP的娱乐活动, discusses the ethical 和 legal implications of AI for the entertainment industry addressed in the sinister Netflix Black Mirror episode "Joan is Awful," 和 what steps can be taken to establish ethical st和ards 和 transparency around the use of AI in media.


从FAST到SVOD,再到混合,甚至更多, CTV, 奥特, 流媒体的货币化模式和策略比比皆是. 2023年,什么可行,什么不可行? 免费的Wheel的Sabrina Alimi, Estrella 媒体的Christina Chung报道, 和 MagellanTV's offer experience-driven insight 和 actionable advice in this clip from their panel at 流媒体连接2023.

AI - media的Matthew Mello谈AI字幕的演变

Ai-媒体's Matthew Mello talks with Tim Siglin about the evolution of AI captioning in this exclusive interview from 流媒体 East 2023.

AiBUY的R和y Bapst谈基于人工智能的奥特覆盖交易

R和y Bapst of AiBUY sits down with Tim Siglin to discuss AI-based 奥特 overlay transitions in this interview from 流媒体 East 2023.


IBM沃森的Ethan Dreilinger说, SSIMWAVE的Carlos Hern和ez, 和 Gordon Brooks of Zixi talk about how the key to effectively applying artificial intelligence in video workflows is knowing the differences between AI 和 automation 和 the ways they can best work together
