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交互性 and Enterprise Streaming

How essential is interactivity to enterprise streaming, and in what ways can it remain engaging and be improved? 西蒙球独立数字通信顾问和项目经理,Olga Kornienko,首席运营官 & 创始人之一, EZDRM, and Joel Fajardo, Associate Director, Digital Workplace, 毕马威(KPMG), provide their take in this clip from their panel at 流媒体 East 2023.

Andy Howard, Founder & Managing Director, Howard & 的同事, begins by asking the panel, “我们认为互动视频真的是企业流媒体的一部分吗? Or where do we think the market's going there?”

西蒙球表示,由于用户的期望,交互性仍然是企业流媒体的关键. “员工敬业度是由你从员工群体中获得的反馈和互动驱动的,他说,并强调这一点从网络直播的最初几年就一直没有改变. 交互性, 他说, “Was very much a forefront both in enterprise communications, but also in education. For example, Continuing Professional Education (CPE).在这些情况下, 他说, “现在我已经被检查过了,我正在看直播,我必须确认我在那里,我必须回答问题,以便我有资格通过[课程].”

One issue these days, 球说, is the sheer ubiquity of live-streaming meetings, especially since the pandemic. “And so, how do you keep people's attention?他说. “How do you make it easy for them to ingest that content quickly? 像 微软的副驾驶 他们会说,‘我要在五分钟内得到我的总结.“我参加会议是因为我想注册,或者我想被人看到. I want to have my name there when they do the roll call at the end. 我可以打勾说我是一个与会者,但实际上我在同时处理多个任务. I'm doing something else entirely. Maybe listening to see if something relevant to me is called out. Therefore, I'm not really consuming the content. So I think what is next is how can I create that attention, or if I do not have the attention, how can I catch up on what's being said?”

Olga Kornienko says, 我完全同意, and part of interactivity is making it also interesting to consume. 如果我们都坐在这里讲课,这将是一个非常无聊的小组讨论. That's why we ask people questions and all of that. 显然,这也适用于任何类型的企业世界和任何类型的教育流媒体. 因为在这之外,它会变得单调乏味,你会失去注意力.”

Kornienko says that attention spans, 在一般情况下, 是否因为内容过多和数字干扰的机会而被测试过. 这是, 她说, “很明显,当你在网上看一些东西时,它说, ‘It's a three-minute read or a two-minute video,’你会说, ‘Do I have time for that?' And it becomes sad, but if you don't have any feedback, you're just talking into a blank screen of nothingness.”

Joel Fajardo指出,如今人们不仅期待吸引人的内容,还期待高度的技术无缝性. 大流行的, 他说, fostered an accelerated acclimation to online group meetings, 但现在的挑战是,随着员工回到办公室,将这些会议平台完全整合回办公室.

“现在每个人都知道这些工具的功能,现在人们开始回到办公室, 无论是混合型工作还是强制性工作,每周的某些日子都要回到那些会议中心, 那些多分的房间,技术并没有真正改变,因为它不需要改变,法哈多说. 在大流行期间,“每个人都专注于让房子的虚拟部分启动和运行. 所以现在他们在那里,他们[想]做一个混合会议 微软团队 or 变焦 不管是什么情况,我都会说,‘好吧,这不是这个房间设计的目的.“因此,现在最大的挑战是我们将如何扩大这些空间以适应这些用例? 我们必须用这种模块化来重新设计我们所有的基础设施,以便当你从变焦的房子变成微软的房子时, the tech still works. 如果你有一个演讲嘉宾,他们想使用变焦或其他你没有使用的平台, that won't be a problem. You can still make everything work there.”

Kornienko highlights that with the increase of hybrid meetings, 在线用户和面对面用户的体验必须以不遗漏任何一组用户的方式进行整合. “你如何组织所有这些会议,并保持它,这样就不会有误解, that people in the room have the same experience as the virtual folks?她说。. “人们在遇到问题之前不会考虑的一些事情是,你如何确保说了什么, it is obviously addressed to the room or to the 变焦 crowd, [where] everybody sees and feels exactly the same way? 我认为这是我们必须弄清楚的另一个人类方面.”

Learn more about interactive streaming at 流媒体 Connect 2023.

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现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

How to Deliver Great Interactive Streams at Scale

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