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Gartner Magic Quadrant Report Singles Out 库, 创作

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一份题为 "Magic Quadrant for Enterprise Video Content Management" from Gartner, written by analyst Whit Andrews, gives high praise to 创作. The quadrant itself is an X/Y axis grid broken into four sections. Twelve players in the enterprise video content management space are rated for their ability to execute 和 their completeness of vision. The grid is then divided into Niche Players, Challengers, Visionaries, 和 Leaders. Only two companies scored high enough on both axes to be placed in the Leaders section: 库 和 创作.

In its description of 库, the report praises a strong cloud/on-premises storage model that allows for third-party storage partners, a partnership with audio search company Nexidia, 和 a modular workflow. Gartner's description of 创作 praises its cloud/on-premises hybrid storage model, customizable modular design, 和 flexible workflow engine.

Besides listing 库 和 创作 as Leaders, the report lists Polycom, 思科, Brightcove, KZO创新, 点燃, 和 Kontiki as Challengers; Panopto as a Visionary; 和 VBrick Systems, 声波铸造, 和 MediaPlatform as Niche Players.

“We are extremely honored to receive recognition in the Leaders quadrant from the world’s leading research 和 advisory company,” 说创作 chairman 和 CEO Ron Yekutiel.

The 17-page report 售价1995美元 from Gartner, although 创作 is making it available for free (registration required).

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