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Where Are the Women in the 流媒体 Industry?


As (hopefully) many readers will know Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen, 蒂姆Siglin, I have been strong vocal supporters of 流媒体中的女性 and more broadly of our ‘sisters-in-streaming’ for many years.

In programming conference sessions and panel discussions, 在线研讨会, 更重要的是,我们总是积极主动地努力接触我们在行业中认识的女性,以确保女性经常出现在公共活动中.

上图:本月早些时候在流媒体 West Connect上的“未来货币化”小组发言. 第一行,从L到R: , 顾问, 现实的软件 and 特约编辑, 流媒体; , 联合创始人 & 首席执行官, Revry电视; , 总统公园协会. 中间一排,从L到R , 高级副总裁-广告产品Amagi; , 高级副总裁、收入Cinedigm; , Senior Vice 总统, Digital Enterprises,喊! 工厂. 底: , 总经理, Redbox On Demand

We attended the launch of 流媒体中的女性 at IBC in 2018 as invitees of 艾丽西亚普里切特, 黛安娜Strutner, 佩吉道 (谁推动了主动性). We have always held one of two guest seats for them in SMAdvancedForum.com -our monthly catchup with ‘characters’ from the industry, 按照传统,我们会在每年3月的国际妇女节将节目的控制权交给全女性工作人员.

在采访文章时, 我们会竖起耳朵,寻找机会让女性的解释优先于男性的解释, (你们都不知道)我们有协议来关注女性在我们作为主持人的小组讨论中被挤出来的情况, to ensure their voices are heard.

And if you think it is bad across the streaming sector as a whole, once you dive into the CDN sub-sector, 形势十分严峻. 事实上, no event has even been more painful for me to programme than the Content Delivery Summit, the latest iteration of which ran earlier this month.

只要看看 议程. 很棒的话题,有非常有吸引力的演讲者,以及整个部门令人兴奋的密集的一天. But we had only two women on the program—荣誉 埃尔莎松 从EdgeConnex和 尼诺Doijashvili 从Tulix). 

On publication of the 议程, this issue was raised directly with me by both 伊恩Wagdin 英国广播公司(BBC的公关部门以“非歧视”为由提出了这个问题),并得到了BBC的积极支持 凡妮莎Vigar, 你是“流媒体女性”的成员,并指出了流媒体和SMAF之外的事件中的问题.

这是绝对正确的. But I had to clarify the back story, which I want to share a little with you all here.

We initially worked with sponsors to place their participants. Elsa has been a frequent panelist at CDS, so she and her company were very much involved from the outset of this event. 

And while a couple of the other sponsors initially did put forward women speakers, 在这两种情况下,他们都在计划最终确定之前将他们换成了男性代表.

We don’t really have much control over who sponsors put forward to speak, so at that stage we took that on the chin, decided to focus on the panels and non-sponsor placements in the event. 所以我们在8月或9月发布了演讲者的邀请,我们收到了大约36个回应. 

The respondents were 100% from men. 

Not a single woman replied—and that call was distributed on StreamingMedia.com and its associated feeds with no (known of) bias.

This is the first time that has happened, it ties up strongly with evidence I have seen in SMAdvancedForum (SMAF) too; while up until this summer we have never had any issue reaching out for and finding female speakers for panels and session, 大流行结束时发生了一些事情,这意味着即使在三个月前,我也绝对难以为我们的月度网络广播安排一位女性演讲者. Peggy at WiSM has been mailing out to their group for ages, 虽然这个群体中有一群活跃的女性愿意第二次出现, we have always striven to have new guests on SMAF since we started. 在某些方面, 如果我们总是邀请同样的女士回来“掩盖”我们无法找到新客人的事实, 我个人认为这是“性别清洗”,从长远来看,“假装”会对SMAF不利,也不会真正实现我们试图以公平的方式提高该领域女性专家形象的目标.

作为一名对cdn充满热情的工程师,我个人并不特别害羞, (and being a proud dad to a wonderful daughter), 我发现自己被无情地卷入了一个复杂的性别问题,我觉得自己没有资格真正评论这个问题, but viscerally keen to try to "do the right thing." 

Yet it is proving really really hard at the moment.

是的, this is obviously a male-dominated industry, yes that is broadly true of many of the IT sector’s niches. 和务实, 不,没有, 人头计数, nearly as many women working in streaming companies as men.

No, there is no reason why any engineer’s skill is in any way limited by their gender. 

No, 据我所知, 厌恶女性的人无法控制流媒体行业的秘密俱乐部,这些俱乐部阻碍了女性的成功, 尽管我知道有些活动的“全是男孩”的性质一定是令人生畏的,而且是一些过时观念的令人不快的滋生地. 当然,也有一些男人有意识或不自觉地对性别和社会角色抱有一些疯狂的想法,这些想法本应该随着阴极射线管电视一起消失.


事实上, “目前”本身就是一个轻描淡写的说法:我从1996年开始从事专业的流媒体工作. It was only in 2004 that I, for the first time, sat opposite a female engineer. 是的, 当时,我在这个行业遇到了另外两位女性,她们都担任项目管理和业务监督的角色, 但在这个行业工作了整整8年后,我才遇到一位非男性工程师. 

That has felt like it has improved a little in simple numbers, but then the sector has grown immensely, so I would imagine the ratio has, 如果有什么区别的话, 变得更糟.

事实上, 当我看到有3、4千人关注我的linkedin feed(这是毫不羞耻地专注于CDN和流媒体工程) , I would estimate that less than 300 are women.

回到家里,还有一件事让我担心——我女儿一年级有25个女生, despite huge effort to get them into science and computing, only ONE girl is taking computer science forward to the next exam tier. And when I quiz my daughter as to why, her response is ‘“It’'s boring.” That’s is a real shame since I know the teaching is good, 许多女孩在计算机方面的成绩比她们放弃计算机而选择的其他科目要高. They just seemed to “talk themselves out of it” (or something like that…)

这是坏的. 很遗憾. 和令人沮丧的. 还有……还有…… 


相反,我想要一个 治愈 解决问题. 性别政治充满了“个人政治”的复杂性,最终往往损害了诚实的公开讨论. 工作场所的性别不是我所理解的——当然不是我理解直播CDN内部运作的方式.

But to be honest, colleagues: we NEED to talk about it. 很多. 现在.

And if you are a female engineer wanting to speak on behalf of your company, or about your technical passions in the sector, 那么请向我们伸出援手,反复动摇我们,直到这些遗产问题不再是一个问题,我们(当然还有我们的女性同龄人)!) can programme a completely gender balanced lineup at all future technical events.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

Demanding Diversity: Why the Media Industry Needs it Now 更多的 Than Ever

期待, 媒体行业需要创造一种新的“规范”,在这种规范中,多样性是联系所有群体的关键,也是代表所有人和故事的关键. However, this will need to be done with authenticity. For brand marketers and advertisers looking to grow with the industry, now is the time to re-evaluate core values and prioritize diversity in your creative, content, 针对, 总体战略.

Twitch Talks Women Gamers at Esports and Sports Streaming Summit

即将到来的会议的一个亮点将是Twitch副总裁与一位有影响力的玩家谈论女性在游戏中的当前环境. 这里有一个预览.

Bridging the 流媒体 Gender Gap

The 流媒体中的女性 group, 这个致力于提高女性在我们行业知名度的组织在IBC召开了第一次会议, but the entire industry needs to make a better effort to make sure women's voices are heard.

Companies and Suppliers Mentioned